"As the release date of the next publication from the IPCC...

  1. 17,307 Posts.
    "As the release date of the next publication from the IPCC approaches , i would like to go on record and make a prediction."

    I too would like to make a prediction...

    The few remaining youngsters who are still clinging to this failed apocalyptic AGW hoax will more desperately search for any slight variaton in the weather, a hot/cold/rainy/dry day as an "omen" to justify their continuing misguided belief...

    That those folk who have taken the common sense approach of balancing the various data sources/view and reaching their own conclusion will continue to be villified and insulted and smeared with such kindergarten taunts like "denier" and worse in tactics derived straight from Chairman Mao' red guards during the misguided cultural revolution...

    All the while the weather will continue to have normal periods, slightly non-normal periods and even some extreme periods and the ongoing climate change that has always been a background process of our earth system will continue to provide lots to talk about...

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