Climate - only 10 more years, page-21

  1. 28,496 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    I don’t see increasing changes to our weather patterns.
    I see a better understanding of our weather but considering the research dollars thrown at it that should be the case, I see lots of self interest types claiming all types of extravagant/apocalyptic scenarios based on the advances of our knowledge of the weather, I see a concerted effort to scare the public into accepting raised taxes/lowered living standards to fight CO2 and the Talk Feasts making grand targets for everyone but “in the future” targets with so many loopholes for just about everyone that they seem pointless, governments cracking down on big business/multinational corporations and then handing them all the money back plus more so as to not have them upset but it does give the big boys a chance to screw a bit more cash outta the little fella.
    It it seems like a case of user pays and pays and pays!
    The businesses that have profited by not working on better business models to maintain their bottom line are being rewarded.

    The Cold Hard Fact is that even though the scientists are giving us their “best guess” the CC/GW/MMCC is overrun with opportunistic conmen, cheats and shonky wannabe political types.
    I don’t disagree with searching for better, renewable energy options, a cleaner world and protecting biodiversity but the CO2 thing is akin to tilting at windmills and wasting time/money on a gate after the horse has bolted.
    The science has a long long way to go to prove/disprove anything regarding climate change.

    The end of fossil fuel reliance will be upon us before the CO2 guessing game can be proven either way so I would prefer to see our leaders being proactive not reactive and using this tactic to empty our pockets.
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