Climate - only 10 more years, page-73

  1. 28,730 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 250
    E, I wouldn’t know what you’ve posted is true, coincidence or rubbish?

    It does sound a bit out there ???
    I wouldn’t offer an opinion, one way or the other on these thoughts as it would be harder to prove than how man made CO2 effects this planets weather systems.

    I always hope for the best from the people I meet, I’m never surprised when I meet good people, I accept that people I don’t like can still be good people but I understand that Groups of people are not the same people as they are, individually.

    I feel as though those who believe in the science and scientists couldn’t accept that the science is tainted in any way.
    I don’t think that all the scientists are lying, infact I don’t question the validity of their research.
    Most are trying their best to work through a complex problem within the guidelines set before them.
    If scientists are asked to prove a premise, they will do just that.
    We don’t have solo scientists who fund their own research and it stands to reason that whoever they are affiliated with will set the parameters for their research?

    I may be totally wrong but I get this feeling that those who have no cynicism regarding the science take umbrage with those who suggest that scientists are wrong and possibly deceitful?
    They also throw up the Big Oil conspiracy theories, as a given ! But suggest that the opponents in this debate have their foil hats on too tight!
    Irony, I believe isn’t a strong point for a believer??

    I will point out that if Big Oil could manipulate governments for their own nefarious benefits couldn’t the opposing end of the spectrum manipulate, to serve their own purpose?

    Just a few questions I had to get off my chest and a need to explain my position ( I struggle with that).
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