climate science and policy: argument & debate, page-3

  1. 1,683 Posts.

    Scientists and truthfulness you say.... ethics you say.... bad arguments methods you say....

    25% of the IPCCs temperature data is open to question right now.

    The New Zealand scientists who prepared this data and indeed wrote much of the IPCC report are currently in contempt of court for failing provide to the court the independent peer review of their temperature data and the changes they made to that data ( scientists changing data to fit a pre determined outcome..... oh dear ). now this indpependent review was a pary they chose themselves no less and still they wont disclose the findings to the court - let alone the alterations to the data and the data itself.

    A very simple question - is this fair arguing? Is this open and honest science..... or the behaviou of fraudsters evading the spot light?

    Your auhor has started off on assumptions that dont stand up to critical assessment.

    a reference you say.... try this ;-
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