climategate scientists cleared of manipulation, page-44

  1. 4,223 Posts.

    1. There is no alternative to base load - geothermal is perhaps the best bet but until governments decide to spend the moeny on geo and take it away from coal and petro, then the advances will be slow. That is not an argument for not doing it, however. What it does mean is that we are going to have to adjust - somehow - probably by using electricity for only a restricted amount of time per day
    2. No - we will not be dead but we will have a far different lifestyle - one that is not so energy profligate
    3. Your guess is as good as anyone's - wood fires are out too due to the pollutants and the shortage of trees - we need more trees, not fewer

    I know what I am saying is unpalatable - how on earth can we give up what we have - what - no TV 24 hours a day - criminal.

    There is only one solution and that is to dramatically reduce the consumption of non-renewables which, of course, nobody is willing to do. We must sustain our standard of living. We must have growth.

    Both are destructive forces and the sooner we realise it the better.

    Until we are actually prepared to face the reality we are in, we are not even starting to solve the problem.
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