climatologists face inconvenient truth , page-5

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    you can repeat it as much as you like.
    it won't make the oregon petition any less irrelevant, or discredited.

    This is a circular argument. It is "claimed" that the Oregon Petition is discredited. Does saying so make it so?

    The "97% of climate scientists" is a complete distortion of facts. Neither the questions nor the respondents names were disclosed.

    Here is an email exchange I had with Richard Lindzen, an eminent climate scientist with many published papers:

    At 12:34 AM 2/29/2012, you wrote:
    Good day Sir,

    I am writing to ask a simple question: Were you, or any other well known skeptic, invited to take part in that infamous poll which stated that "Of those surveyed, 97% agreed about AGW"? quotes this but it is still a mystery to me just who put out the questionnaire and who was asked to respond. Opaque, to say the least. I believe that to qualify, a scientist needed to have 20 papers published on the topic and you certainly meet that minimum requirement.

    How was this survey organized, were you invited to respond"?

    Kind regards,

    He was kind enough to reply:

    No I wasn't, but that hardly matters. The question dealt only with such matters as 1) is there a greenhouse effect, 2) is CO2 a greenhouse gas, and 3) has the temperature increased over the past 150 years. None of these implies any basis for alarm, and I could readily agree with them. These surveys are largely misleading shell games.


    So there it is from one who knows. Lies, damned lies and statistics.

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