There are over a dozen books written [and carefully researched]...

  1. 47,086 Posts.
    There are over a dozen books written [and carefully researched] about the Clinton's criminality. How many about Trump? But here's a search result:


    'Death list' and IRS ravaged 'women of Clinton'

    'When you investigate all scandals ... you find dead people'
    Published: 01/17/2016 at 3:47 PM


    The scandal-prone Clintons
    It’s a sordid tale of two Bills: In both cases, dozens of women say they were sexually victimized by powerful men and threatened to stay silent about the traumatic assaults.
    But there’s a crucial difference between the two scenarios involving actor and comedian Bill Cosby and former President Bill Clinton.
    Women in Clinton’s past were targeted by the IRS and reportedly found themselves on death lists.
    Clinton paramour Monica Lewinsky and Lewinsky confidante Linda Tripp – who secretly recorded phone conversations about the White House intern’s trysts with the president – found their names on those death lists.
    Meanwhile, Clinton’s female sex-assault accusers were audited by the IRS – including Gennifer Flowers, Paula Jones, Juanita Broaddrick. Also added to the list of IRS targets was actress and former Miss America Elizabeth Ward Gracen, who had sex with Clinton in 1983 and was warned to keep quiet about the affair.
    See WND’s BIG LIST of Hillary’s 22 biggest scandals ever
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