clive just tell us what u really think, page-9

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    I think Clive will exit Politics just as quickly as he entered...there is no way a thinking person would vote for this buffoon in 2016.
    He is not fit to represent our country as a member of Parliament in any attack the Chinese the way he did on National television was just plain stupid.
    No doubt his tirade will "go viral" and the rest of the world will consider our country a bunch of dead head red necks.
    I also believe his tirade directed at the Chinese will come back and haunt him for years to come.
    The man is a fool, he can easily damage our already fragile relationships with some countries through his loud uncouth uneducated mouth...we need the Chinese more than they need us!
    Palmer is already looking at paying millions in compensation to the unit owners at his Dinosaur resort, another few million paid back to the Chinese would be good outcome as far as I am concerned...
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