clive palmer - anti democratic?

  1. 10,423 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Clive Palmer appears is setting out to operate in Politics in the same way he tends to operate in private enterprise.

    Nothing wrong with that except he may step over the line and become more of a nuisance than an assistance in the Senate.
    The Greens historically have been more sympathetic to the left and allowed some controversial legislation to pass.

    Palmer has demanded more resources for his four MP's,
    when Fairfax Media put Mr Abbott’s remarks to Mr Palmer, he said: “Fine, then he won’t get any legislation through. None at all.”
    Palmer cannot demand any duly elected representative to vote in a certain way to achieve a result he wants. If there is a party line then the expectation is members will vote along that line.
    But to threaten the Government with blocking supply to achieve what is a personal want is not a real brilliant strategy in the light of what changes Tony Abbott took to the election, and won the election with.

    Apparently a Party needs five MP's to be recognised as a minor party before they can get any additional resources, the Green's
    With Clive's latest deal with Motoring Enthusiast Party candidate Ricky Muir to form a block and vote together one wonder's what deal has been done?

    Now with the background rumblings and split within the Motoring Enthusiasts Party will Ricky Muir switch to Palmer United and become the fifth MP PUP needs to become a minor party?
    Palmer's petulant foot stamping may work when he is dealing with his staff but it will very quickly turn on him on a political front if he is not careful.

    His penchant for threats of taking anybody to court who will not agree with his wants will not wash on the Australian people too well. I am sure we don't want to have to put up with a loud mouthed newbie on the block throwing his ample weight around to achieve his own personal ambition in Government. We have just got rid of one who put his own ambitions ahead of what was good for Australia.

    If Clive believes he can use his money to achieve any outcomes beyond what is democratically achievable, he will be in for a rude shock. He might even discover why when he threw money at the Liberal Party in Queensland he was still unable to gain the influence and outcomes he appeared to desire.

    All my opinion.

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