Seeming to ride some huge wave of personal bitterness - this man...

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    Seeming to ride some huge wave of personal bitterness - this man - everything he touches, I allege, turns to, at the very least, difficult - his manner defiant, and seemingly out to shock, delay, and destroy, stymie, prevent.

    For the sake of what, I ask?

    His so-called "team" - anything BUT a "team", I also allege.

    Seems to me it's an assorted bunch of odds and sods who've drifted into his "attractive" "aura" of wealthy power - he's somehow scraped some raggle taggles - some can hardly put two words together - and many, I allege, follow him because he's a financial "glitterati" - of sorts.

    Would they follow him if he were, say, JUST Joe Blogs - some scrubber from middle class Australia, with political ambition? Or is money motivation for some?

    Some bloke from some car lovers club "Party" now thinks Palmer's fine. (Heaven help us!) Some ex-army lady from Tassie - with some seeming HUGE chip on her shoulder - and not much to offer, I allege, in articulation, or any semblance of political objectivity, I allege. (Saw her in some replay clip of Q&A last night!) Heaven how many times DO the ABC re-play episodes of Q&A? Talk about Left Wing propoganda saturation. These vinegar faced women they always have on their panel. Plus Penny Wong. (With glasses - bet they're non scrip cosmetic new image strivers) does she think these make her constant self centred drivel come across as suddenly more plausibe? She rattles on for five minutes - Jones beaming at her - burble burble - and, at the end, one does not have one skerrick of any comprehension of what it was she just said!
    A heap of rubbish gibberish.

    Gosh - we get rid of Oakeshott and Windsor, and bow there's Palmer. A rich man, with a little Party - bringing the whole lot of us down, allegedly. Just because he CAN!

    And seeming to enjoy doing it!

    With politicians like this - on their own personal revenge vendettas, allegedly - (Windsor and Oakeshott once of the National Party) - we are being ruled by the bitter, the disruptive, the deluded, the powerful - who'll neuter the Senate's objectivity, come July 1, and set out to destroy, cripple, and put down all ideas the Abbott Government will put up - splendid or not. Just why? Because they can!

    Australia at the mercy of the politically vicious? No wonder we never, ever, get ahead. Three steps forward, and via these alleged spiteful destroyers, so egotistical and self absorbed with their new found power (from a tiny vote base) - Australia will always be four steps back.

    And ever, ever, a world beater nation. Because small, selfish minds, with various agendas, and no voted to speak of, somehow control us. How is it that this is the case?

    Absolutely woeful. We vote, hugely, giving OUR chosen PARTY a mandate - to see that OUR will, as expressed in our votes, prevails -and a minority (allegedly political equivalents, I allege, of bloody monded terrorists out to blow up and destroy our will) still hold us all to ransom.

    And laugh in our faces as they are doing it.

    Aided and abetted by Left-Wing media. And archaic voting rules. A Party gets the least votes - yet manages to end up controlling our Senate? Placing our chosen Government in manacles they can't escape - because of these alleged nitwits - what is wrong with Australia? Seeing this madness - and doing nothing to rectify it?

    Have I eaten too much Easter chocolate, my liver can't process? NO, just fed up to the back teeth with this vicious and ridiculous charade! And time to think.
    The tail wagging the dog. And not a darn thing you, or I, can do about it.

    Sick of Palmer prancing and mincing around - as if he was "KING" - what, just because he's RICH? Equating that with being able to do what he likes - when he likes? And have many others, totally unsuitable for the job, got tiny little amounts of votes, yet gloating over us all, doing his bidding. Like little lapdogs?

    I allege Clive Palmer doesn't give TWO HOOTS about ANY of us. How is it there are still people who think that he does.

    It's all about HIM. "Me, myself, and I" - is his modus operandi - I allege! His new party members no better, in my honest opinion, and I allege. Money can never ever buy good government. These people are delighting in the upcoming prospect of being able to wreck our Senate - and kill off legislation on policies which WE voted for.

    That is not democracy - nor patriotism - it's closer to Totalitarianism. Or the hateful philosophy that money can buy (or do, achieve) anything! Good, or bad. Even to the extent it can cripple - or gag - or totally disable our Senate. Force it to do someone's bidding - all based on a tiny vote base! This is WRONG!

    Next thing it'll be a Palmer for President Republican push. That's the day I'll move out.

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