clive palmer, page-86

  1. 18,561 Posts.
    Too many posters have simplified a complex argument, probably because they have swallowed the Labor line. Too much personal vilification based on hearsay.

    The mining industry is not made up of Palmer, Reinhart and Forrest.

    The miners already pay a tax unique to their industry - a state royalty.

    They already pay their fair share of tax based on income unless they are breaking the tax laws.

    The proposal is for a super tax - it's not about them paying what they are currently avoiding.

    The start point for this super tax arguably cuts in too early and was negotiated with only the three largest players, which has unsurprisingly upset the rest...

    As mentioned by others, most of the mining industry is not totally opposed to a new tax or higher taxes - they just want it to make senses and to be implemented in a professional manner, unlike this hatchet job.

    What the government proposes to do with this new tax is wealth distribution and a lot of us don't like that concept. They also gild the lily by telling us that it will somehow make us all better off in retirement - fantasy.

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