clocks stopping at time of death, page-61

  1. RM
    7,522 Posts.
    There is much evil in the world we are far from the original vegetarian exsistance in the garden of Eden. The fall of man lead to sin the first sacrifice was that of an innocent animal to provide clothing to cover the nakedness. Humans as caretakers of our planet sinned and the immediate consequence was the loss of life of the innocent. Since that moment blood has flown freely... Remember surely you would not die....the lie is whispered in an ear sounds so convincing.

    H.G. Wells had a great belief in a new form of religion called Humanity. Later in his life he abandoned this belief as he saw human progress manifest itself into mechanised warfare and the great devastation and loss of life.

    I am not trying to Molly coddle anyone but God will judge and although no one can exactly tell you what the true state of hell will be we know for certain that Jesus used some very terrible language to describe the destination.

    Jesus makes a truth claim found in John 14:6

    'I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except through me'

    You have free will you can reject the message or believe in his teachings it is up to you.

    Remember do not believe anything I say find out and read the Gospels.

    Just a final note to think about, some here may help with the meaning of scripture if asked but ultimately an explanation can only help guide you in a direction. The acceptance or understanding must come from within, an anon on an Internet forum or even a Pope or Pastor cannot give you that meaning. It is for you alone to find I or others may trigger you to think or explore but the final step is yours alone.

    You may reject the message of Christ but ask yourself why and in the same answer you give apply the same reasoning and logic and truthfully answer what is your substitute.

    So what are you living for and the evidence that you have. Food for thought.

    Regards Rm

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