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    Alan Kohler speaks with Sam Riggall, the CEO of Clean TeQ, regarding the company's venture into cobalt and nickel.

    Sam Riggall is the CEO of Clean TeQ. I spoke to Sam a while ago when they were really building a scandium project in western New South Wales, just on the other side of Parkes, called Sunrise, and that’s now turned into a cobalt and nickel project because of the rise of electric vehicles — because cobalt and nickel are needed for the batteries as well as lithium.

    They’re still going to make scandium, but nowhere near as much, and in fact, it’s all very small — it’s all about cobalt and nickel now.

    It’s a big project; it's going to be a world-class project, and they’ve also got a water treatment business on the side which makes a small amount of money and they’re building water treatment plants around the world. But, as Sam says in the interview, that’ll probably end up being hived off at some point, although he’s not ready to do that just yet.

    As for the cobalt and nickel, it’s a $1.5 billion dollar project. They’re in discussions at the moment to farm out 50 per cent of that to a partner who will operate it and have an offtake agreement to buy the product.

    But the whole thing about Clean TeQ which you need to know about is that the share price has collapsed. It got as high as $1.60 in late 2017. In early March last year, they raised $150 million dollars at $1.15, when the share price was $1.20, and now it’s 33 cents. And so it looks quite cheap, particularly compared to what it was a year ago when they were raising all that money and lots of institutions came in, including Australian Super, at $1.15, so goodness knows what they’re thinking now with the share price at 33 cents.

    Obviously, they are now long-term investors, but certainly the case that it looks pretty cheap now, particularly with the $100 million dollars cash in the bank still and the market capitalisation $250m. So, you’re paying $150 million for what Sam Riggall says is a $1.5 billion dollar mine, as well as a small water treatment business.

    I think it’s an interesting proposition, well worth a look and well worth listening to Sam Riggall, the CEO of Clean TeQ — here he is.


    Sam, I note that you’ve delayed production building the Sunrise Project in New South Wales, can you explain why that is, what’s happened there?

    We’ve, over the last year or so, made some changes to our implementation and delivery plan. One of the key milestones for the project was the appointment of an engineering group and we made the decision to appoint Metallurgical Corporation of China as our project delivery partner. There were inevitably some delays associated with moving a lot of that engineering work, which was being done in the west, into China. But it’s progressing very well now. We have really good progress on the engineering, it will be completed quarter three/quarter four this year. We’re effectively construction-ready now and the aim is still pushing for a final investment decision by the end of this year.

    This Chinese company, MCC, is going to build the thing, are they?

    They’re responsible for project delivery, so they coordinate the engineering out of China, they coordinate the delivery and project implementation plan and construction in Australia. They will ultimately partner with a tier-one international or Australian construction firm to build the project in Australia. But, yes, they’re our project delivery partner.

    When I last spoke to you, which was quite a while ago now, the project was all about scandium, which is I think, if memory serves me, an alloy of aluminium, but it’s now all about cobalt and nickel, right? Are you still going to mine the scandium?

    We are. We'll, in our current development plan, produce about 80 tonnes of scandium oxide every year, which would make us the world’s largest producer of scandium, but this is a market that has to grow. There’s never been enough scandium to support industrial-scale alloy production for the aluminium industry and that’s what we are focused on doing now. We’re working very closely with partners in the aluminium supply chain, all the way down to the automotive and aerospace to produce new alloys for new parts and components. While that will take time, the prospects for building a very, very large market for scandium are very good.

    I was looking at a pie chart of your revenue sources and scandium wasn’t on it. It was 50 per cent nickel and 40 per cent cobalt and something else.

    A small amount of scandium, that’s right. It all hinges on your price of sale for scandium and that really is a function of the end-user, what prices they can afford to pay for the alloy. In general, it is principally a nickel-cobalt development which will be producing scandium as a bi-product at very low cost.

    Tell us about the cobalt and nickel side of things. The cobalt market has been getting flooded, hasn’t it, so the price has come down. Is that a long-term decent proposition?

    It is. Cobalt prices have been quite volatile. They peaked at around about $45 dollars a pound about 12 months ago and are now down to about $15 dollars a pound, so it’s been a rollercoaster. What you saw was significant growth in electric vehicle penetration in China requiring more cobalt, which put pressure on pricing. But then a relatively quick response from the supply chain in The Congo, mostly artisanal supply to produce more cobalt to meet that demand. But the trend is still very clear that we will need a lot more cobalt over the next few years to support the growth in the electric vehicle industry and at the moment all of the supply growth is coming out of the DRC. The DRC now represent approximately 70 per cent of global supply and that will increase to somewhere closer to 80-85 per cent in the next few years. That’s a concentration of supply that’s just unsustainable for a global industry.

    Well, particularly since it’s The Congo, it’s not exactly the most stable place in the world, is it?

    No, no, there’ve been significant developments there in the last year when cobalt pricing was very high. The Government put a windfall profits tax on the cobalt mining industry, they increased royalties, they demanded government participation in projects, so it’s a difficult place to invest if you’re looking for cobalt supply. Hence, most of the supply chain for the automotive and electric vehicles now are looking to places like Australia and like South East Asia.

    The nickel price has been doing relatively better, but it’s a much bigger market, isn’t it, nickel?

    Yeah, although in global terms it’s still a small market. We mine about 2 million tonnes of nickel a year, but only half of that production can be used as feedstock for battery-grade nickel-sulphate. The other half is what we call class two nickel, so it’s nickel pig iron and ferronickel, which have a lot of impurities, principally iron, which feed the stainless steel industry. That material can’t be converted to battery-grade nickel-sulphate cost effectively, so you’re only really looking at 1 million tonnes a year that the world produces to supply battery demand. That’s actually a very small number when you look at the implied growth that electric vehicles are going to require from the nickel industry. We’ll need to double that million tonnes within the next six or seven years.

    And how much will you produce?

    We’ll do about 20,000 tonnes. Roughly, the industry is going to need to develop three to four Sunrise Projects every year for the next decade just to keep pace with electric vehicle growth. That’s a scary prospect because of all the LME metals, nickel is generally the slowest to respond to price signals. That’s a function simply that nickel-sulphate resources are very difficult to discover, and nickel laterite resources, the style of resource we are trying to develop at Sunrise, are very capital intensive. I think today it’s right to say there is not one greenfield class one nickel project in construction anywhere in the world today, despite the fact the world knows we need enormous amounts of nickel for these electric vehicles over the next decade.

    What’s going on with the share price, Sam? I mean, it’s down to 33 cents and you raised $150 million dollars, unbelievable amount of money in March last year at $1.15 a share when the price was $1.20. I mean, how are all those people that gave you that $150 million feeling now? They must be sick.

    A lot of them are there for the long-term. You might recall that the foundation or cornerstone investors around that raise were some large institutions, both Fidelity and Australian Super participated there and they have a long-term view on this electrification thematic. They’re very patient around this.

    But I bet they wish they’d be getting in now at 30 cents rather than $1.15?

    Well, they may be, Alan, they may be. But, what we’re seeing in equity markets is certainly not reflective of what we’re seeing in industrial markets. We announce a partnering process a few weeks ago to look for partners who would bring the bulk of the equity financing to development of the project. The amount of interest we’ve seen is extremely strong, so despite what you see happening in equity markets and the volatility there. We’re not the only one, you see it across the board in lithium, other nickel and cobalt equities. What we’re seeing industrially is very, very different. That process now has been running for a few weeks and we have companies right across the supply chain involved in our data room.

    That goes from all the way downstream to automotive, to battery manufacturing, to chemical companies, to mining houses, metal trading houses… Those who operate in the industry understand the importance of actually bringing new capacity to the market pretty quickly over the next few years.

    Sam, how do you explain that difference you talk about between what the equity market’s doing and what the industrial market’s doing? I mean, clearly there’s a difference, but it’s not the equity market in general. The equity market overall is really strong, record highs. But in your products, as you say, lithium as well, but cobalt and nickel, it’s very, very weak.

    I think what equity markets see in these electric metals is high capital intensity and a lot of capital needing to be invested over the next decade. That brings funding uncertainty, less so for lithium. Lithium tends to be less capital intensive as a sector and you’re seeing, again, not probably a strong equity markets support but certainly industrial support out of China who are trying to build these projects. Australia’s been a big beneficiary of that and Western Australia in particular. But, I think as an asset class investors find it just difficult, it’s volatile and while probably a year ago I would say they suffer from uncertainty around EV demand growth projections, I think you can say that less today. I think the view in the market is that EVs are coming. There’s a fairly good consensus now around how quick that growth is going to be and it’s not a difficult exercise to calculate how much metal you need to meet that growth. I think the market has severely mispriced this part of the metals space. Maybe, waiting to see how financing many of these projects will turn out, but there’s no doubt that this metal is going to be needed over the next few years. One thing that I think through equity markets for a bit of a spin was the announcements out of China about new capacity being built in Indonesia. They announced very low capital numbers, very low operating cost numbers and very quick development timeframes for building Indonesia nickel laterite capacity. That’s just not going to happen.

    Everything we see shows that there’s no magic bullet in Indonesia or the Philippines to bring cheap low-cost nickel and cobalt to the market. We’re not going to see a massive flood of new supply out of those regions. Again, if you want to build a long-term stable supply chain for these battery raw materials, Australia is probably, when you look around the world, the best place in the world to develop new projects. We’re the world’s largest lithium producer, we’re the world’s second and third largest cobalt and nickel producer. We have the world’s largest resources in all these commodities. If you’re thinking about investing for the long-term, multi-decade, Australia is the place you want to be investing your capital.

    Has the decline in the share price meant that you have to sell more of Sunrise in order to get it going? Because I think you’re at 50 per cent now that you’re looking for a partner, but I seem to recall that it was going to be 20 per cent a while ago, that you were going to farm out, but now it’s 50 per cent, is that right?

    Yeah, we’ve indicated we’re prepared to divest up to 50 per cent and that was in response to queries from a few counterparties who are interested in operatorship of the asset and our position on that is we have no concerns handing over or selling operatorship to a credible party who has capability in that space, but they need to be at least an equal owner in the resource. That was the logic behind the 50 per cent, it really was targeted at those companies who wanted to run the show longer-term. But your question, is our share price impacting discussions around valuation of the asset? Not that I’ve seen so far. We’re in discussions obviously around valuation and how we would structure a partnership with a number of parties and ultimately it’s a question of long-term views on nickel and cobalt pricing. That’s what it comes down to, it’s forecast metal prices that ultimately drive value in these projects. That’s one of the main differences with counterparties.

    What do you say is the value of Sunrise?

    Well, we published that in our definitive feasibility study using our price deck which was based on, at the time, consensus market pricing and it’s still pretty much around there which was about USD$1.3 billion.

    Is that a net present value?

    Net present value.

    Right, well considering you’ve still got $100 million cash in the bank and the market cap is $250 million, it’s pretty cheap according to you.

    Very cheap stock, it’s an extremely cheap stock! And look, I would talk my own book obviously, but you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to plug metal prices into a discounted cash flow model and see what numbers are generated. I think once we complete this partnering process and the market has visibility on how industrial customers value an asset like this, the share price will look after itself. There’s not a lot I can do to influence the share price other than get out and market the stock. But people are slowly being educated about how quickly the mining industry, the supply chain is going to have to respond if electric vehicle ambitions are going to be realised by the global automakers.

    Let’s just talk briefly about your water treatment business, which is I think the original Clean TeQ business. How much cash does that throw off now?

    It’s still very small. We’re generally building relatively small plants. This year’s revenue will be somewhere in the order of $5-8 million dollars, and that’s comprised of three relatively small plants we’ve built, one in The Middle East, one in The Congo in Africa, and one in Australia. We have a pipeline of projects we’re developing, focusing on China and water remediation issues in China. That’s where our water office is based and yeah, so I think we’re validating the technology and the approach to the technology in water treatment and then we’ll be looking once we’ve demonstrated that for much larger projects to implement.

    Should you be selling this business? Should you sell that business so you can concentrate on Sunrise?

    Yeah, people often ask me whether it should be a standalone business. The answer is, probably it should be, but I think there’s still a lot more growth we can squeeze out of that business for relatively modest capital outlay before we consider doing that. I want shareholders to get full value. What we’ve developed in that business has taken us many years and a lot of trials and we’re just now starting to commercialise the technology. Give it a bit of time but I think that is a business that can probably stand on its own two feet one day.

    Back to Sunrise, just talk us through the milestones. At what point will you complete the farm-out discussions or the partnering discussions that you’re having.

    The aim would be to have the partnering process conclude around the end of this year and that would dovetail with the debt financing discussions. You may recall we’re trying to finance this project 50 per cent debt, 50 per cent equity, and the aim is to bring those two together by the end of this year. Targeting a final investment decision by late this year, early next year. The project is construction-ready, all the permitting is done, it’s all subject now to financing. We’d start construction early next year and look to be in first production in the first half of 2022.

    The 50 per cent equity that you’re going to have to come up with, that’s presumably 25 per cent of the project if you farm out 50 per cent of it, so how much is that going to be, how much money would you need to raise?

    The total capital cost estimate for the project is USD$1.5 billion. We’re looking at roughly 50/50, so $750m in debt and $750m in equity.

    Okay, but that’s $1.5 billion of your money, is it?

    The way we’ve structured the partnering process is for a partner to bring equity in at the asset level. We’d effectively be trading a joint venture, they contribute to the project development cost and whether you need 50 per cent or less to raise what you need is ultimately a matter of valuation for us.

    Are you looking at the deal including offtake as well?

    This is what’s driving most of the parties that are in the data room, particularly those that aren’t mining companies who don’t have a lot of experience in mining. Really, the focus is how do they secure multi-decade sources of supply, nickel and cobalt sulphate for their battery factories. The offtake is really the key and as we’ve said, we will be providing preferential access to offtake to those companies that invest in the mine. That’s certainly part of the discussions at the moment.

    Very good. Well, excellent to talk to you, Sam.

    Thanks, Alan.

    That was Sam Riggall, the CEO of Clean TeQ.

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