re:bmd: fight terrorism...bomb washington Are you saying that...

  1. 1,166 Posts.
    re:bmd: fight terrorism...bomb washington Are you saying that because we are AFRAID that Indonesia might attack us that we should go wherever the US takes us, even if it is to unmitigated slaughter? Into any war, no matter where or what reason? Against anyone anytime? Is that what your views are of an alliance? We simply follow? What if Indonesia does attack and the US makes a deal with.... THEM?
    Alliances these days mean NOTHING, particularly coming from the US.
    Nor will align myself with anyone doing something wrong. That's schoolyard and mafia stuff. Pack mentality "I'll go get the boys on you." And then the other side gets its "boys on them." Grow out of it. Don't just stick with your mates because you decided they're your mates even if they've raped, pillaged and murdered! This is world geo-politico-economics stuff.
    Try a little thinking, a little compassion, a little far sighteness. Give the bullies the stop sign, not the "I'm your slave for ever sign, three bags full, sir" sign or the sign that you're a political prostitute.
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