CMR 0.00% 15.0¢ compass resources limited

I'm pretty surprised that Compass is still able to hold "51...

  1. 318 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 18
    I'm pretty surprised that Compass is still able to hold "51 tenements. 27 of these are held as exploration licenses, 3 as retention licenses, 2 as mineral authorities, 1 as a mineral claim, 17 as granted mineral leases, and one under a mineral license application"

    As well as paying for "care and maintenance. The plant had produced 1500 t of LME grade A copper cathode, and approximately 0.7Mt of ore had been mined, with 300,000 t processed and 400,000 t stockpiled"

    And according to the website they have plans "Compass is presently evaluating opportunities to processing the mined ore stockpiles. These are expected to produce some $16M of copper, $4M of cobalt and $1M nickel after accounting for metal recoveries. If successful, then Compass intends to restart mining in the Browns open-pit"

    You would think that the cobalt might be of interest to someone. Their resource published in the 2007 Annual was 84 million tonnes at 0.78% Cu, 0.12% Co and 0.11% Ni.
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