CNB 1.37% 37.0¢ carnaby resources limited

CNB and why it is STILL undervalued!!, page-1243

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    Apologies for the re-post in advance, but as we all probably know by now, I also like my research under one roof... biggrin.png

    But before I paste it, I would like to address two recent condescending comments from FiremanLam and BartBart...

    "Selling a dream" ???? I am not selling anything buddy!!! This is purely my own analysis and you are welcome to come back in 12-24 months and see what a dodo you were!!! (or what a dodo I was)... As I repeat repeatedly here, I am NOT a geologist and I am NOT a professional investor... !! But I truly believe that I have discovered the next DEG, and only time will tell :) I am not trying to convince anybody to inest, to hold or to sell... I am merely posting my observations and research... Feel free to ignore it...

    And Bart, please note that all of my eggs are not in one basket.... I hold now in excess of 15 stocks that I believe in, and several of these are already Multi-baggers!!! I am not asphyxiated on CNB, and I hold many stocks in other sectors including Health, Lithium, Oil n Gas, Green Energy and even Cannabis tongue.png

    I just took one stock out of my smelly bottom drawer to realise, that it has recently climbed from 60% to 104% :) ... And in years to come I belive it will be be in the '000's %, as I believe with my CNB...

    But please feel free to return in a few years and prove me wrong!!

    Anywhoo, my re-post:

    I thought tonight I would have a bit of look into our Greater Duchess Project and try to digest today's Announcement...

    As we are all probably aware by now, I am a HUGE fan of Strelley and our Pilbara Project, but I rarely make much mention of Duchess Project so I thought tonight I would look a bit deeper...

    Disclosure: I am not a geologist, so I am unable to provide qualified geological analysis / comments regarding all of that technical jargon, but I can still quote them tongue.png

    For those new around here, here is a quick summary:

    TICK HILL Greater Duchess Copper Gold Project:

    Besides from our Tick Hill Open Pit, Tailings and TH deeps project, Carnaby also has vast tenements to the north of TH which is very highly prospective for copper-gold. The Greater Duchess Copper Gold project includes numerous shallow IOCG deposits in a camp scale setting. Individual deposits within the project include Nil Desperandum, Mount Birnie, Duchess, Big Beauty, Freckle and numerous other target areas of shallow historical workings, large soil anomalies and undrilled outcropping mineralisation.

    The acquisition of the Tick Hill regional exploration tenements in 2019 covering 319km2 has allowed, for the first time in 20 years, for the consolidation of a previously fragmented and highly prospective land tenure surrounding the historic Tick Hill gold mine. The Tick Hill tenement
    package enables a consolidated exploration approach to be taken to the area including detailed structural geology interpretation, modern day low-level detection limit geochemistry and modern geophysical techniques developed over the last 20 years. The Tick Hill deposit style is characterised
    by a highly discrete gold, copper and cobalt footprint that can easily be missed with wider spaced drilling.

    The broader land package also includes the Historical Duchess copper-gold mine and contains targets for Iron Oxide Copper Gold deposits (IOCG) and epigenetic Tick Hill style gold deposits. Tick Hill is considered to be an epigenetic end member of the IOCG mineralisation that exists
    throughout the belt.

    “The Tick Hill deposit style is characterised by a highly discrete gold, copper and cobalt footprint that can easily be missed with wider spaced drilling”.

    “"The Greater Duchess Copper Gold Project encompasses over 70 km of IOCG targets north of the Tick Hill gold deposit, centred around the historical Duchess copper mining district. The IOCG mineralisation is structurally controlled and hosted within the Mary Kathleen group rocks that host numerous copper deposits including the new Trafalgar copper-gold discovery by Hammer Metals (HMX) to the north" (Ann 17 Feb, 2021)

    “Duchess Iron Oxide Copper-Gold-Cobalt camp - real potential to identify sizeable mineralisation surrounded by world class infrastructure and third party treatment options”.

    The Greater Duchess Copper Gold project includes numerous shallow IOCG deposits in a camp scale setting. Individual deposits within the project include Nil Desperandum, Mount Birnie, Duchess, Big Beauty, Freckle and numerous other target areas of shallow historical workings,
    large soil anomalies and undrilled outcropping mineralisation.

    Potential exists to define several shallow open pittable resources that can be amalgamated into a single mining project and hauled to nearby processing facilities at either Mt Isa, Cloncurry or Osborne or to discover a large stand alone IOCG deposit.

    Carnaby intends to complete ground Induced Polarisation (IP) surveys followed up with RC drilling at several high priority targets including Nil Desperandum and Mount Birnie in 2021.
    Recent petrophysical work on diamond core from Mount Birnie and other historical reports has highlighted that IP generates a strong response to the sulphide mineralisation as opposed to traditional electromagnetic (EM) techniques which appear to be less effective.

    The Greater Duchess Copper Gold project is also prospective for Tick Hill style high grade gold mineralisation which is considered to be an epigenetic end member IOCG deposit. Exploration will continue at the Tick Hill near mine and regional high grade gold targets in 2021.

    "Mt Birnie has exceptional results - very high grade copper"

    "The long section - The copper is completely open right up to the surface and is completely open at depth at very high grades"

    "So there is NO DOUBT an open pit is expected to be developed here + potentially an underground one as well"

    "“The Greater Duchess Copper Gold Project is a camp scale cluster of potentially open pittable shallow IOCG deposits within trucking distance to nearby competing processing plants.

    These are Rob's words, not mine biggrin.png

    Rob discusses this project in his presentation from back in June 2020 ... If you haven't seen it, you can find it here: (

    He certainly is delivering on everything that he said he would do biggrin.png

    For the purposes of this summary, I will only look at Mt Birnie and Nil Desperandum as these are currently Rob's focus... (If you know this already, scroll to the bottom) tongue.png

    Mount Birnie:

    Mount Birnie is located only 4 km north of Tick Hill along a similar stratigraphic horizon. Extensive outcrop of Ballara quartzite is present in the area and at Tick Hill the Ballara quartzite is a key mine sequence marker unit that sits in close proximity to the Tick Hill orebody. Field reconnaissance of historical copper workings recorded high grade copper results from mullock of up to 19.2% copper and 6.49 g/t gold and 25.9 g/t silver (Figure 2). Copper and gold mineralisation is associated with secondary malachite and azurite and primary sulphides include disseminated chalcopyrite hosted in a calcite dominant gangue. Significant IOCG style alteration appears to be associated with the mineralisation and includes magnetite and k feldspar.

    Just at Mt Birnie, located 4 km north of the Tick Hill gold deposit, Carnaby completed 1500 m RC and diamond drilling in 2019 targeting the Mount Birnie workings area where 50 year old historical diamond drill results had reported up to 11.7 m @ 7.1% copper. The drilling by Carnaby intersected
    three zones of very high grade copper-gold mineralisation of 2 m @ 3.2% Cu and 3 m @ 9.3% copper and 1.0 g/t gold and 2 m @ 9.5% copper within a broader envelope that assayed 17 m @ 3.1% copper from 84 m in MBC006.

    The Company’s Managing Director, Rob Watkins commented:

    “The unearthing of these spectacular historical drill results located only 4 km north of one of Australia’s highest-grade gold rich IOCG deposits at the 100% owned Tick Hill deposit is further early vindication of our belief in the prospectivity of the extensive land holding that we have established at Tick Hill”

    As per Ann 11 June, 2019: Recently identified exploration reports show that in 1967 Longreach Minerals Pty Ltd drilled 10, wide spaced, diamond holes at the Mount Birnie copper workings located 4 km north of Tick Hill within EPM25853 (Figure 1). The drilling intersected significant copper mineralisation (Table 1) associated with an ENE striking shear and hosted by chalcopyrite and calcite gangue within amphibolitic rocks. The mineralised zones are subvertical dipping and remain open at depth and along strike (Figures 2-4). Historical mining records for Mount Birnie are
    scarce, however limited information indicates the mine was worked during WWI where two small shafts were sunk to approximately 24 m and 36 m. Mullock from the dumps has recorded assays of up to 6.5 g/t gold and 19.2% copper (see ASX release 16 May, 2019). Numerous other small pits are also present in the area indicating widespread copper occurrences...

    Remarkably no recorded follow up drilling has been reported from Mount Birnie since this initial drilling in 1967. The area was held under a mining lease until 1998. At surface the mineralisation is in the form of secondary copper (malachite) and historical reports also indicate the presence of
    chalcocite and bornite with deeper primary mineralisation in the form of chalcopyrite. The depth of oxide copper mineralisation is unknown however a costean between the shafts recorded a true width result of 6.1 m @ 3.0 % copper oxide at surface (Figure 3 & 4). The historical drill results were
    selectively sampled for intervals of visual high grade copper mineralisation and did not systematically sample the lower grade sections of core even though disseminated copper mineralisation was noted in logs. Likewise none of the high grade copper intervals were assayed for gold even though sampling of mullock indicates a strong association between copper and gold of up to 19.2% copper and 6.49 g/t gold and 25.9 g/t silver. Copper and gold mineralisation is associated with secondary malachite and azurite and primary sulphides include disseminated chalcopyrite
    hosted in a calcite dominant gangue. Significant IOCG style alteration appears to be associated with the mineralisation and includes magnetite and k feldspar.

    A historical IP survey was also completed over 50 years ago, with a recorded IP anomaly approximately 150 m to the south (Figure 2). A single diamond hole was drilled to test this anomaly and intersected 133 m of weakly disseminated pyrite and chalcopyrite with few selected assays recording up to 0.6% copper, gold was not assayed for. The Mount Birnie workings are located within a 4 km long NNW trending surface geochemical copper-gold anomaly (Figure 1) part of the broader IOCG belt that hosts both Tick Hill 4 km’s to the south and Trekelano 14 km to the north. Whilst Tick Hill was mined solely for high grade gold, it is important to note that the mineralisation does have sub-economic levels of copper and cobalt associated with the deposit and is considered to be an epigenetic end member of the IOCG style of mineralisation that occurs within the belt. The Mount Birnie IOCG target represents a highly prospective key focus area for immediate follow up .

    The mineralisation style at Mount Birnie is characterised by high grade core zones of semi massive chalcopyrite in a calcite dominant gangue, surrounded by a broad halo of disseminated chalcopyrite and appears to be structurally focussed into shear zones. This mineralisation and associated calc silicate and magnetite alteration is identical to some of the larger IOCG deposit in the Mt Isa
    district such as Mount Elliot, Osborne and Ernest Henry

    The initial drilling at Mount Birnie (July 2019) only focussed on the immediate area of the workings and historical drill results where the mineralisation remains open along strike and at depth. In the wider 4 km strike of surface copper and gold anomalism and historical workings
    (Figure 1), several key specific targets have been identified from the recently completed SAM survey and will be progressed to drill target testing.

    This is a table of historical diamond drill results for Mt Birnie for those interestedtongue.png

    Shallow RC holes were drilled up dip of the historical drilling immediately below the surface workings intersecting a broad and continuous steeply dipping lode with results up to 15 m @ 2.1% copper from 24 m including 6 m @ 4.4% copper and 0.5 g/t gold.

    As per previous announcements, "Carnaby plans to complete an IP survey at Mount Birnie followed by additional RC / diamond drilling in 2021"

    Well that is exactly what Rob and team have been busy doing whilst NOT sitting in their Perth offices enjoying fat pay checks like many MD's of Gold Explorers... In Fact, Rob went out there himself to overlook the drilling program... !!

    Sorry for the history lesson tongue.png Lets have a look at the latest update :)

    The initial drill results at Mount Birnie (first 7 RC holes drilled at Mount Birnie) have defined a continuous high grade copper-gold ore shoot which plunges steeply to the west and remains open at depth (Figure 1). The high grade copper zone is also gold rich with up to 3 m @ 8.5% copper and 4.3 g/t gold from 76m intersected in MLC016. Other results received from the high grade copper zone include 4m @ 4.2% copper and 1.6 g/t gold including 2m @ 7.5% copper and 2.5 g/t gold from 116m and 7m @ 1.9% copper from 167m including 2m @ 5.3% copper and 0.8 g/t gold from 168m in MBC031 in a parallel secondary zone.

    New results to the west of the high grade zone include 12m @ 1.1% copper from 148m including 2m @ 3.0% copper from 151m in MBC024. New results to the east of the high grade copper zone include 2m @ 2.9% copper from 145m in MBC017 and 2m @ 1.1% copper from 40m in MBC018.

    The mineralisation remains open along strike with potential for further high grade shoots to be discovered along strike and on untested parallel structures.

    The results received to date represent only limited selected intervals from visual logging of the RC drill chips and the majority of the drill hole sample results are yet to be received!!

    A further 4 RC holes were drilled targeting IP anomalies generated from the recently completed IP survey at Mount Birnie before the drill rig was mobilised to the Nil Desperandum target where heritage survey clearances have only just been received. Results remain outstanding from all 4 holes and are being processed. - Looking forward to these results biggrin.png

    Also, of interest is the MBIP6 IP anomaly where an RC drill hole has intersected some disseminated copper sulphide mineralisation in what appears to be a larger, lower grade style IOCG target consistant with a previous hole drilled by Carnaby which intersected 95m @ 0.24% copper from 59m in MBD009.


    The Nil Desperandum prospect is a stand out copper-gold target with broad and high grade copper mineralisation present over a 1.5 km strike not drilled since the 2007 Global Financial Crisis.

    Results include; ND010 20m @ 2.4 % copper ND012 52m @ 1.0 % copper inc 24 m @ 1.5 % copper NDR017 50m @ 1.1 % copper inc 19 m @ 2.3 % copper NDR021 6m @ 5.2% copper and 0.84 g/t gold

    Nil Desperandum is a series of shallow historical workings over a 1.5 km strike that was last drilled in 2007 prior to the GFC. Historical drilling has intersected very significant widths and grade of copper-gold mineralisation characterised by disseminations and veinlets of chalcopyrite and pyrite within a biotite schist.

    The main Nil Desperandum workings have been drilled over a 300m NE strike length which is completely open down plunge to the SW and at depth where an untested EM conductor plate is present 50 m below the current level of drilling (Figure 2). The NE strike extent of the mineralisation appears to bend around to a SE orientation where a 300 m gap in the drilling is present between results of 29 m @ 0.5 % copper from 55 m in ND016 and the central workings where limited shallow drilling has intersected up to 6 m @ 5.2 % copper and 0.84
    g/t gold from 21 m (Figure 2).

    The historical workings and surface geochemical anomalies continue for another 900 m to the SE where only 2 shallow holes have been drilled historically. Carnaby has commenced IP surveys and RC drilling in Q2 aiming to complete an initial resource estimate by years end :)

    As per Recent Ann 10 June:

    RC drilling at Nil Desperandum has recently commenced and we are very pleased to report that from visual logging, the first hole NLRC001 has intersected copper sulphide (chalcopyrite) mineralisation intermittently over downhole widths of up to 25m which is interpreted to be a
    direct extension of the main SW trending zone of copper mineralisation. The second hole drilled adjacent to NLRC001 also visually appears to have intersected considerable copper sulphide mineralisation in broad disseminated and narrower zones of semi massive sulphide
    mineralisation intermittently over downhole intervals of up to 20m width.

    "Significant zones of strongly disseminated and semi massive copper sulphide mineralisation have been intersected in the first RC drill holes
    at Nil Desperandum, all results are awaited"

    Looking forward to these results too .... Much News Flow to follow :)

    I said I wouldn't mention any other prospect other than MT BIRNIE and NIL DESPERANDUM, but I feel compelled to mention, that besides these two truly prospective targets, CNB is also focused on Ivanhoe / Duchess and our other regional targets such as:
    We can't stick a drill bit in every target in every hole, so currently it is a matter of priority... But still many prospects to target :)

    And in regards to Ivanhoe and Duchess:

    The historical Duchess mine was discovered in 1900 and was worked for 40 years producing 205kt @ 12% copper. The only known drilling of the lode was in 2006 by Barrick who completed shallow RC drilling along strike of the workings intersecting 3m @ 1.7% copper. A large HeliTEM survey identified a deep conductive anomaly below the level of workings and drilling which is yet to be followed up.

    AND, Immediately to the west, the Ivanhoe lode has a strike length of 1 km and has been drilled on approximately 50 m spaced sections with significant results including 7 m @ 3.0 % copper in DUNC003 and 7.8 m @ 4.2 % copper in IV0001...

    Note: At MacGregor and Pericles limited drilling has intersected up to 11 m @ 2.7 % copper in DURC0057 with off hole conductors yet to be followed up.

    The Duchess and Ivanhoe lodes have existing historical estimates yet to be reported under JORC 2012 guidelines. Carnaby intends to update the existing estimates into reportable JORC Mineral Resources.

    Mineral Resource estimates for the Duchess and Ivanhoe lodes were undertaken by Barrick (Osborne) in 2008 and Golder and Associates in 2012. While these estimates complied with the 2004 JORC code, additional compilation work is required by Carnaby in order to report as Mineral Resources under the 2012 JORC code. Carnaby aims to complete this work in 2021 as part of a broader maiden JORC resource for the Greater Duchess Copper Gold project based on the historical estimation work completed, an exploration target for the Duchess and Ivanohoes lodes is summarised as;

    Did someone say JORC 2012? biggrin.png

    Also worthy of a quick mention is our Mt Erle and Grassano Prospects (I promise, I will finish soon) hehehe

    Mount Erle:

    The Mount Erle target forms a series of shallow historical open pits that are located along a 5 km strike at the western edge of the Mount Erle Igneous Complex.

    Mining records from these pits are scarce and they are believed to have been mined in the 1950’s to 1960’s. Selective sampling from these undrilled open pits has yielded several encouraging rock chips results of up to 1.5 g/t gold and 23.9% copper. 6 The Mount Erle target is characterised by an
    extensive and highly anomalous stream sediment catchment anomaly over a plus 4 km strike with results up to 1.1 g/t gold.

    This stream sediment anomaly is the largest alluvial gold anomaly in the district and is far greater than the original stream sediment gold anomaly that Tick Hill was discovered on. Mount Erle is considered to be an excellent Tick Hill target being located on the western edge of the Mt Erle
    Igneous complex at the intersection of late ESE striking faults and a large NNE fault that strikes through to the Duchess copper gold deposit.

    Grassano Prospect:

    The Grassano IOCG target is located on a major crustal scale fault zone known as the Pilgrim Fault.

    A large magnetic anomaly over 6 km strike is interpreted to be caused by IOCG magnetite alteration. Historical exploration was drawn to this area in the 1980’s when a 6 km x 1.5 km catchment area was defined by visible gold in panned concentrate. Follow up exploration has consisted of mostly shallow RAB drilling and soil sampling intersecting widespread low grade copper and gold mineralisation.

    A more discrete target known as the Eagles Nest reported high grade gold rock chips including 114 g/t, 75 g/t and 15 g/t hosted in epithermal end member IOCG style mineralisation (Figure 5). Reconnaissance of this area confirmed the discovery outcrop with results of 8.6 g/t gold, 20.6 g/t
    silver and 2.78% copper.

    A further 1.5 km to the south a single deep drill hole intersected 42 m @ 0.1% copper and 0.03 g/t gold coincident with a large gravity and magnetic anomaly. The Grassano target does have some similarities to Tick Hill being an intrusion related epigenetic IOCG style and will be prioritised for follow up exploration.
    I almost forgot about our 2 least mentioned prospects (Spring Creek and Dronefield):


    Now, I have never claimed to be an expert in geology such as Alfie, geofiji or mustpow, and I do not dare try to compare myself with them...

    But for those curious (mostly from google),

    How big are our Copper grades?

    Exploration companies estimate grade through drilling and assaying. The average grade of copper ores in the 21st century is below 0.6 percent copper, with the proportion of ore minerals being less than 2 percent of the total volume of the ore rock.

    COPPER: Anything over 100 metres and 1% copper equivalent or better is considered to be highgrade. For example, Serengeti Resources announced 119.6 metres of 0.9% copper equivalent (copper plus gold values added together) at depths from 180 to 300 metres. The stock then
    increased from $0.30 to $1.50 after those drilling results were reported. Oh, wouldn't this be nice?

    Ohh, hang on, these are not our latest grades.... :)

    And these are only RC drill results from prioritised selected intervals only!!! Many more results to follow :)

    As I said, I am not an expert, so you can do the maths hehe :)

    Based on GeoFiji's under-optimistic estimation, he comments:

    "Current possible resource main workings zone after the IP results: 250m depth x 500m strike length x 8m true width x 2.7 density = 2.7Mt @ 2% Cu (mineralisation in zone width could be greater or not as the case may be, this width is based upon current drill intersections) "

    Wow :)

    The Company’s Managing Director, Rob Watkins commented:

    “We are genuinely excited by what we are seeing at both Mount Birnie and Nil Desperandum and eagerly await further results from the ongoing RC drilling program.”

    And Rob does not use these words sparingly... If he is genuinely excited, I become like:

    Sorry guys, I get a bit lost when I am this excited....

    Just thought of the Tick Hill Study which has taken years to complete...

    Thought I would send the Author of this amazing and comprehensive report a quick email.

    "Do you believe Tick Hill and our surrounding land tenements (Duchess etc) have much potential in terms of continued exploration?"

    " Tick Hill is a unique deposit in the area and also in the world so far. Tick Hill mineralisation style is different from the Cu-Au to the East. We have evidence that it was introduced very early compared to Cu-Au to the East. This point will open up the window for the future exploration in the area to find the early Au and possibly other metals as well of this mineralisation style".

    Oh whattt? Did he say Tick Hill is a UNIQUE DEPOSIT in the WORLD? Ahh, ok, thought I read that correctly eek.png

    "Opens up the window for future exploration" ... Precisely what Rob and team are doing clear.png

    "Other metal"? - Ohhh, now I'm excited clear.png

    And did we all know that some of this research is based on Rob Watkins Theses back in 1993?

    Looks like Rob has had a very keen interest in Tick Hill ever since his University days (almost 30 years ago)... biggrin.png

    From the report, a few standout points for me:

    "Almost all major gold occurrences around the globe occur in association with other gold occurrences. The Tick Hill situation is highly anomalous in this regard" - This implying that Tick Hill is not your regular gold occurrence, but very unique in nature.

    "Considering the fact that the volcano-sedimentary host lithologies to gold at Tick Hill, which were previously interpreted as Corella Formation, are likely to be much older and could be part of the Leichhardt volcanics. This means that the volcano-sedimentary sequences in the Kalkadoon-Leichhardt domain could be prospective for gold.

    So what is the Kalkadoon-Leichhardt domain?

    The north-trending, arcuate Kalkadoon-Leichardt Domain contains basement units with an oldest age of ~1995 Ma that are overlain by basinal unites from the Leichhardt and Calvert Superbasins. The basement is intruded by the 1860-1845 Ma Kalkadoon Supersuite, and rocks of the Liechhardt Superbasin are intruded by ~1775 Ma granites. This domain is affected by all major deformation events that affect the Mount Isa Orogen.

    And what mineral deposits are found here?

    The answer is Kalman :

    Kalman is 100% HMX owned and is located 6km east from Hammer’s 100% owned Overlander project. Indicated and Inferred Mineral Resource Estimate of 20Mt @ 0.61% Cu, 0.34g/t Au, 0.14% Mo, 3.7g/t Re.

    With open pit and underground potential, the deposit remains open at depth and along strike.

    High-grade mineralisation is evident within the broader Kalman deposit, highlighted by drill intercepts including:

    • 7.7m @ 23.4% Cu & 0.5g/t Au from 582m (K-106C)
    • 53m @ 2.1% Cu & 0.5g/t Au from 695 (K-106C)
    • 31m @ 1.0% Cu & 1.1g/t Au from 221 (K-53)
    • 7m @ 0.3% Cu, 3.4% Mo & 57.3g/t Re, within 62m @ 0.65% Mo & 11g/tRe from 206m (K-132)
    And last point: "At Tick Hill, Mineralisation consists of pure gold, with few associated metals" "Therefore making it more economical to mine" clear.png

    Pure Gold ... High Copper Grades ... Cheaper to Mine ... In the same domain as Hammer Metals ... Unique deposit in the world ...

    No wonder why Rob has been interested in TH for 30 years biggrin.png

    Anywhoo, time to watch a well-deserved movie on netflix... Apologies if I missed something or got off track a bit...

    I will leave you with this thought "I might be small, but try and get my shares!!!!"


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