SO, ''I am a rascist'', which you LEARNED from my posts. I know...

  1. 1,176 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 123

    SO, ''I am a rascist'', which you LEARNED from my posts. I know by your posts you have a cognitave impairment, or are suffering from Early Onset Dementia, but you don't see me runnin'round tellin'everybody about your affliction... Oh hang on, yes I do.

    You're wrong again jimbob. Listen here , I don't rate ANYONE highly I hate every race equally. The STUPID ones annoy moreso, which puts you, my withered intellect friend, front and centre in my shitlist of Human Rejects.
    You are a prime example of the inverse ratio between the size of the mouth and the size of the brain.

    YOU backed Clinton last time, your opinion on U.S politics is as worthless as the skin you live in.
    Just sit in the corner quietly colouring in, cutting and pasting and try not to soil your pants. Like back when you were in the U.S military (Armchair Division). You ever play dress ups with Chelsea Manning by any chance?

    And don't be so precious about your ''not real name'', Makes you sound like you're a big girls blouse. (Not a good look in this country)
    ''BoganTroll''. Ordinary put down there jimjams, arc it up a bit. Try something like, ''Your Dads your Uncle''
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