CNN host bashes Pelosi's plethora of pens

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    Nancy the showman

    CNN host Dana Bash criticized House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for using dozens of pens to sign impeachment articles and a resolution naming House managers.

    After weeks of stonewalling, Pelosi transmitted two impeachment articles against President Trump to the Senate for trial on Wednesday. During the signing ceremony, aides handed the California Democrat dozens of personalized pens that she used to endorse both the articles and a separate resolution appointing House managers for the trial.

    Bash slammed the move, asserting that it distracted from what was supposed to be a solemn and historic ceremony.

    "It was unusual to see that kind of ceremony and handing out the pens and smiling for a picture in this kind of situation where the House speaker has bent over backwards to say publicly and privately, 'This is somber, this is not a time for celebration,'" Bash said.

    "Understandable — this is history and the people involved want to mark the moment — but I didn’t expect to see that," Bash said.

    After the ceremony, Pelosi began handing out each pen she used to those around her to be kept as mementos. White House press secretary Stephanie Grisham tweeted, "Nancy Pelosi’s souvenir pens served up on silver platters to sign the sham articles of impeachment...She was so somber as she gave them away to people like prizes."

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