Anyone who quotes CNN as a news source , emediatly looses all...

  1. 859 Posts.
    Anyone who quotes CNN as a news source , emediatly looses all credibility! That pile of dog siht is nothing more than world wrestling championships ......complete garbage !
    Anyone who has the nerve to use CNN as thier source of info , are probably the same fools who have it on in thier kitchen t.v. 24/7 ...( BERAINWASHED IDIOTS) .
    Anyone who watches that pile of dog siht , are probably the same fools who run around shutting down freedoms of speach . In left wing freeaksville ( CALIFORNIA) % 64 of democrats, believe that free speach, can & should be shut down if it is hateful !! Thoes people are all democrats !! .....& COMPULSIVE CNN ARSEHOLES !!
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