CER 0.00% 32.0¢ centro retail group

cnp on rise , no one wants cer, page-24

  1. 3,760 Posts.

    For Orbis

    Date of Notice Shares Cost
    initial* 52,933,968 $21,173,587
    6/03/2008 64,471,648 $27,358,821
    1/04/2008 26,435,952 $10,965,544
    27/05/2008 26,280,283 $9,435,366
    3/07/2008 23,967,259 $7,681,658
    4/09/2008 24,075,540 $6,649,153
    10/09/2008 24,667,455 $5,496,486
    15/09/2008 28,405,973 $3,600,819
    18/09/2008 24,724,684 $2,706,560
    15/10/2008 23,731,393 $2,699,920
    6/11/2008 24,551,895 $2,456,223
    23/03/2009 34,632,850 $1,767,003

    Shares Held 378,878,900 $101,991,140

    Average Price 26.92 cents per share. I have had to estimate that Orbis acquired their initial 52,933,968 shares in CER at 40 cents per share since this information cannot be ascertained from their initial substantial holding notice.

    Please also note that Orbis received a dividend of 1.4 cents per unit on an estimated shareholding of 170,121,851 units as at their last notice prior to the ex-dividend date. They may have held a few more but at the very least this would equate to a distribution of $2,381,706. If you add this back to their "cost base" you get an average price of about 26.29 cents.

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Currently unlisted public company.

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