Hajji: One thing the politically incorrect are reluctant to...

  1. 101 Posts.
    Hajji: One thing the politically incorrect are reluctant to point out, beaten down as we are by the new religion and threats of ostracism for not toeing the P.C. line.....atmospheric CO2 is never, I repeat, never! a pollutant, it is in fact one of the few absolutely necessary pillars on which hydrocarbon life forms such as ourselves depend absolutely for our very existence. Climate change happens, and continental plates move vertically as well as horizontally. We ride in a changeable and very competitive world. Attempting to do the "King Canute" on climate change is totally futile at best and damages our competitive strengths which give us a worthwhile lifestyle.
    Look to the societies in which many people are forced to burn dung and every available twig for cooking and heating fuel. See their environmental and personal degradation, and try to teach them that the way forward is to cooperate in generating their power needs through the burning of fossil fuels. The carbon in fossil fuel came from the environment originally, and natural processes ( think volcanoes ) returns colossal quantities to the atmosphere in a natural cycle.
    Oh.. the subject was motorcars? The pollution caused by internal combustion driven motor cars is in areas besides the CO2 emissions, those ( CO2 emissions ) are negligible. There are more serious things on which to focus our attention. It is a dog eat dog world, and Australia is looking very like a sausage.
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