CO2 smashing extreme weather records, page-2023

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    Jopo, please keep posting. As you drift further and further from any known shared reality, the stuff you write can become genuinely funny as black comedy. With nothing of substance to stand on, Jopo can and does say anything.

    ”Stick to the science” Jopo tells TillLindemann, overlooking the fact that the reason for his own presence on HC as a shill for the fossil fuel industry is to try to trash climate science, and by extension all science.
    hypocrisy personified. A proud exponent of zero value posting. Likely paid for it as well.

    the latest denier garbage dodges up belief in a Mini Ice Age while the latest observed science suggests glacier melt could be happening 10 to 100 times faster than previously believed. (See attached report at end of this post.)

    With nothing of substance to stand on, deniers say anything.

    The deluded denier demographic. Wakey wakey boys.

    Below is the start of an article lifted from, written by Jennifer Leman and dated July 26, 2019.

    “Alarming Sonar Results Show Glaciers May Be Melting Faster Than We Expected”

    “From Alaska to Antarctica, thousands of glaciers flow over the land and out to the ocean. These tidewater glaciers are rapidly retreating and melting, like much of Earth’s ice, continually adding to rising sea levels. But to date, scientists have struggled to pinpoint where on the face of a glacier’s terminus the most intense melting occurs—and exactly how fast it is happening—because of the difficulty and danger involved in getting close enough to these frozen behemoths.

    “Now, however, a team of researchers has figured out how to directly probe these melt processes and has tested the method out on one glacier in Alaska. What it found, published this week in Science, is worrying: the glacier is melting far faster than current theories had suggested “The melt rates that we measured were about 10 to 100 times larger than what theory predicted,” says lead study author David A. Sutherland, an oceanographer at the University of Oregon.

    ”Unstable tidewater glaciers such as the one the team measured flow into the sea relatively quickly and calve, or spit off icebergs, often. Although these glaciers tower above the ocean, most of the melting action happens beneath the waterline. Meltwater on the glacier’s surface trickles down through cracks in the ice, creating a stream beneath the glacier that lubricates its flow over land and spills into the ocean. It stirs up the salty, comparatively warm seawater and pushes it up the glacier’s face, causing the ice to melt faster and ultimately calve. Rising temperatures increase surface melting; scientists expect more meltwater will trickle down as the climate warms, exacerbating this process and ultimately threatening coastal cities around the world.”

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