Coal lobby at it again, page-6

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 17

    Another sign that change is blowing in the wind.
    It could keep the the windmills spinning.

    Sorry Renewable Energy rejectors.

    Biden made his comments Tuesday in a speech in his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware as he proposed spending $2 trillion over four years to ignite development of more clean energy in order to achieve a pollution-free power sector by 2035 and net-zero carbon emissions 15 years later. The former vice president called for rebuilding the nation’s crumbling infrastructure.

    “These aren’t pie in the sky dreams. These are actionable policies that we can get to work on right away,” Biden emphasized.

    “We can live up to our responsibilities, meet the challenges of a world at risk of a climate catastrophe, build more climate resilient communities, put millions of skilled workers on the job, and make life markedly better and safer for the American people all at once and benefit the world in the process,” he added.

    Trump re-election campaign national press secretary Hogan Gidley -- taking aim at Biden's plan -- said it's "more like a socialist manifesto that promises to massively raise taxes, eliminate jobs in the coal, oil or natural gas industries, and crush the middle class."

    Biden called for transforming the federal fleet of vehicles from gas to electric, building 500,000 charging stations along the nation’s highways for electric vehicles, upgrading 4 million buildings and weatherizing 2 million homes over the next four years to increase energy efficiency, and offering government grants to retool factories. His plan also calls for creating an Environmental and Climate Justice Division within the Department of Justice.

    The former vice president’s proposal goes further than the one he unveiled during the Democratic presidential primaries – and reflects his adoption of some of his former rivals' positions. His overall $2 trillion price tag is up $300 billion from his original plan.

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