ESG 0.00% 86.5¢ eastern star gas limited

coal seam gas claims were falsified, page-19

  1. 24,386 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 176
    Well gunsmoke, just to tell you something, I will continue to post in these threads just because it is an interesting forum and always full of contrarian views.

    Beside, I will have to follow which is the closest final price to our predicaments/judgments.

    As for the commission payments, I only wish that you were right. Just once would do.

    Regards and good luck with you shares.

    As for me, as I said before, if the chance will arise, I will buy back in, and maybe for a quick trade or maybe not.

    Today would have been a good opportunity, but I didn't.

    Have a good one mate. You really deserve it.
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