Coal to dominate in India through 2047, page-30

  1. 35,659 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    No , I said renewables were getting close and given that trajectory they should be competitive or cheaper soon . Don't try and spin my words .

    If I wanted to I could produce a bunch of reports where renewables are claimed to be cheaper . We have all seen them posted before .

    There are many groups that claim that renewables are cheaper however personally I would like to see it on a 24/7 baseload basis before I'm convinced . I don't accept the simple per kwh comparison as it is easily skewed for a result .

    The reason we have ridiculous energy prices here is because of incredibly poor government policy . On one hand you have states like SA cutting off their noses to spite their faces resulting in a crisis requiring federal help .
    On the other hand you had state governments allowing massive lng export facilities get built with no domestic reserve and a piss poor royalties agreement .
    Then you had the feds allow energy distributors gold plate their networks without actually future proofing them .
    Also , the State government of Victoria raises the royalties on coal in Victoria and forces Engie to shut down Hazelwood .

    And of course you have federal Labor ( and Vic state Labor ) with ridiculous renewable energy targets with no idea of how they will actually get there .

    A sensible national plan on transitioning to renewables over a few decades would have been my choice as I have posted on many times . Unfortunately politics keeps getting in the way .
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