RES 0.00% $4.61 resource generation limited

In the West Australian today:Top 5 Worst Market Start % change1...

  1. 738 Posts.
    In the West Australian today:
    Top 5 Worst Market
    Start % change
    1 Mar1937 -60%
    2 Mar2000 -49
    3 Jan1973 -48
    4 Oct2007 -42.5
    5 Nov1968 -36

    Gain One Year After The Crash:
    Best +58.3[1980]
    Worst +22.8[1987]

    S&P500[Wall St] Duration % change
    Historic Average...20 months......-34
    Where we are now...12 months......-42.5

    So we have 8 more months of bear market left....till June 09.The Feasibility Study should be nearly ready then!!
    Let's rock,RES!!! Oi oi oi!
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