Coalition gas lead recovery fail, page-23

  1. 35,667 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    I could use that argument about a federal government biased toward fossil fuels.

    Interesting how they had Nev Power and a couple of other industry people working on the solution. What else would they come up with ?

    E.g. Beyond Zero Emissions has had a model under development for a decade. They have been tweaking it as the technology develops. It covers everything including how to manage the redeployment of workers during the transition . Funny how Morrison and Taylor didn't engage with them, isn't it ?

    Strange how you don't hear about Morrison and Taylor referring to the Asia Hub or the Pilbara Renewable energy hub, isn't it ? Instead they talk about the Collinsville power station and rubbish about forcing AGL to build a gas fired power station in NSW.

    On top of that we hear Morrison waffling on about stranded gas assets he knows nothing about.

    I agree that energy reduction is another great policy. There is lots to be gained by investing in those strategies. The Rocky Mountain Institute has done a lot of great work in that area. Why worry about cleaning your power up if you can reduce the need for that power in the first place ?
    And yet, nothing about that from the feds either.
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