A major hindrance to EV acceptance is the recharge time....

  1. 478 Posts.
    A major hindrance to EV acceptance is the recharge time. Technology has and is continuing to be developed to to address the time taken.


    ... “The number one barrier to the adoption of electric vehicles is no longer cost, it is range anxiety,” said Doron Myersdorf, CEO of StoreDot. “You’re either afraid that you’re going to get stuck on the highway or you’re going to need to sit in a charging station for two hours. But if the experience of the driver is exactly like fuelling [a petrol car], this whole anxiety goes away.”

    “A five-minute charging lithium-ion battery was considered to be impossible,” he said. “But we are not releasing a lab prototype, we are releasing engineering samples from a mass production line. This demonstrates it is feasible and it’s commercially ready.”

    It is a recognized impediment to adoption that is being and continues to be addressed and developed.

    No one is compelling you to purchase an EV. There are always laggards within any market that are the last to employ new products or technologies. But you would be very surprised how much damage an ice vehicle actually causes. Simply include the environmental damage caused by the supply chain that supports the convenience of a petrol pump and then include the pollution produced by the ICE vehicle. Finally multiply that by the population of of vehicles in use and you get an idea of the substantial damaged caused. Not too many people have a petrol pump out the front of their house either but seem to manage.

    One person may not make a huge impact, 10, 100, 1000, ..., 1,000,000 and so on and the results are exponential. It is worthy of consideration.
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