coalition plays wedge politics on pensions, page-20

  1. 1,020 Posts.
    It amazes me that people arguing about the attrocities of the Howard government when it came to pensioners don't even know the facts. In the 11 years after the Hawke/Keating years (when pensioners really did do it tough) pensions have increased in real terms by 2% annually. IN REAL TERMS.

    The unfortunate global climate has made times extremely tough for pensioners in the last 12 months so action is required immediatley to help assit. There is no point waiting for a review.

    As for the intellects claiming the Libs are doing this purely for political gain, who gives a toss, as long as pensioners receive an increase in their fortnightly pension.

    You're arguments for Labour are also flawed, under the Coalition pensioners were receiving a one off payment every year which the Rudd government wanted to scrap until he was placed under extreme pressure from pensioners and in the end backflipped incase he lost votes, now that is purely based on political gain.

    It really does amaze me that people argue so aggressively without facts. They have either forgotten what the previous government achieved or simply choose to ignore. What a shame.

    Oh well, I'm off to golf.

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