AlanIMO it would be better all round fro the libs to loseA term...

  1. 11,223 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1

    IMO it would be better all round fro the libs to lose

    A term in opposition will give them a chance to put a new leader in, Howard should have retired 3 years ago and knock out some of the dead wood and arrogance in their line up, just look at Abbotts performance yesterday.

    And government is only strong if there is a strong opposition keeping them on their toes. No party can do this if they are in opposition to long, just look at the state liberal parties.

    So I still retain my view that the libs have had 11 years to really set Australia up for the future on the back of the current boom, they have failed, so they deserve to be tossed out.

    As for bringing back Yak????

    what a thought LOL

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