CCL 0.00% $2.63 cuscal limited

Coca Cola brand is not a competitve advantage anymore! if CCA got the fundamental wrong, page-4

  1. 1,924 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 38
    True that.

    One of CCA's key advantage is its distribution network. if it decides to take on a new product, then you can be assured you'll see it in fridges around the country because CCA will make their clients (ie, the fish and chip shop) stock the new product in their fridge. Ie, when Mother was selling poorly, CCA said 'you stock it or we take away your fridge'.

    I have to problem with changing consumer demands because CCA is well positioned to take on new products and have it penetrate the market. If Australia starts to move from sugar drink to some exotic fruit drink, be assured that CCA is in a great position to secure exclusive distribution rights.

    I bet management are studying new products hard. They are now back in the beer game and im sure will look at a wide spectrum of products that could easily fit their distribution model and clients.

    Its such shallow thinking to assume CCA is focused just on sugary soft drinks.
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