code red alert costello howard use newspeak, page-7

  1. 13,013 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 99
    Mr X, It's fascinating to watch the interest in Ron Paul rise as time goes on. Some of us goldphiles have known about him for many years as he has been a staunch advocate for a return to a gold-backed US currency.

    The man is one of the few US senators with demonstrated integrity and courage. One of the few to speak out against the illegal invasion of Iraq. Now, finally, it seems, the US public is waking up to the fact that both republicans and democrats have let the US fall into economic and political decline.

    We read much here on HC about left wing media bias which, of course, is blatant nonsense since the media are owned and controlled by the big business interests who will always support the conservative side of politics. Of course, these accusations are simply a smoke screen to hide that the fact that the exact opposite is indeed the case and that right wing interests control the the major public opinion moulding media.

    This onslaught by Murdoch against Ron Paul is an excellent case in point. Murdoch has no chance to buy out a man of principle like Ron Paul. Such an individual must represent a serious threat to Murdoch who has built his career on buying political favour and then exercising control.

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