code red alert costello howard use newspeak, page-9

  1. 814 Posts.
    Is there any Left left? Both sides in America have interventionist’s policy leaning to more of the same in the future no mater the talk about withdrawing troops from Iraq.

    Oh yeah Chuck he's a very big threat to what’s going on and "they" don't like people rocking the boat they want them to "get with the program". The move to a gold standard will bring back an honest US government by thwarting the effects of printing endless paper money and thereby debasing a currency all for the use of world domination that the US appears to be hell bent on attempting. They have so much more need to fix their own internal problems like roads, bridges, education, etc and not to mention New Orleans.

    Ron Paul Bashes the New World Order at Rally in Nashville TN.
    This is a clip of the speech given on October 6th 2007 at the War Memorial Auditorium. It was filled to capacity as 1500+ people shook the walls with the chant of "Ron Paul," as he tells us we need to get out of NAFTA, CAFTA, and THE NEW WORLD ORDER
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