Cold War 2.0, page-4

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4192
    https://www. k i t co .com/news/2022-06-13/Financial-sanctions-against-Russia-have-backfired-dramatically-Matthew-Piepenburg.html

    "The financial sanctions have backfired dramatically for Western nations and the Western economies, the US dollar in particular," said Piepenburg...That was good headlines good chest puffing, a good kind of political virtue signaling...but when you weaponize the US dollar in that way the genie can't be put back in the bottle. Piepenburg said the the consequence has been to make the US dollar look less neutral and more biased. Countries outside the West are going to seek other financial alternatives, so they are not exposed to similar risks."

    some clear wrong assumptions by MAINSTREAM MEDIA like -
    "ukraine winning the war, russia stopping the war in 1-12 months, russian economy shattered, no means to rebuild, reparations to be paid "

    I am a scholar in East European studies & these assumptions & information are incorrect & based on fake narratives.

    Russia is a UN SC veto member, there will be no reparations, no UN war crimes trial, no UNSC vote against them for sanctions or anything.
    ukraine is losing the war and lost 20% soon 40% of land & most of the east and south with the entire south blockaded at the Black Sea. Its running out of ammo, time, nazi stormtroopers & food, those 9M who fled want no part in the war or ukraine & many will never return with the land given away to cossack settlers like in the old days like in Israel occupied territories.

    The slow methodical advance is sucking them & their ammo into the void while their main army waits/builds/resupplies. Its a soviet stalingrad pincer in slow motion.
    Russia fought 450 years taking ukraine between 1500-1945 & 10 years in Afghanistan.
    Stalin & Czar Ivan the Terrible were 1000 times worse than Putin.
    East scholars telling russia to continue the war for 10 years as its getting richer, producing more and rubble getting stronger while detaching itself from the decadent west & integrating with the booming east/China/India. As a result its become a superpower again.

    The western idea that Russia can be sanctioned into submission is total folly, it is the west that has sanctioned itself out of the global production & manufacturing chain and created hyperinflation & stock shortages for itself. This very same tactic proved a complete failure during the Napoleonic, WW1, WW2, Crimean Wars & cold war histories. Russias prior isolation is over due to its growing global & local alliances that it has reconnected with since Soviet times.

    Basically, the unipolar world is over, get used to it.
    The idea of isolating russia is total folly & based on thinking russia is another iran libya serbia syria somalia & even that didnt work on those smaller countries either.

    As a result the demand for Steel Nickel Oil Gas will & is skyrocketing & a long war will make it even worse.
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