Cold War 2.0

  1. 9,706 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4187
    I read on here someone saying Trump would have stopped this Ukraine war.
    Clearly Biden is incapable & Putin was emboldened by his election.

    I would like to know what people think about this war & the global end game.
    Was it really inevitable and where will it go from here.
    Was the NATO bombing of Yugoslavia in 1999 the start of this responsive reaction by the ruskies as Putin has said many times?

    Clearly the ruskies goal in Ukraine they said was to "demilitarise & denazify" all Ukraine and militarily they have:-
    - wiped out 3500 military installations & counting
    - used massive convoys of heavy armour and APCs
    - control the entire ukraine airspace
    - besieged the entire black sea coast cutting it off to outside sea routes
    - removed anti ruskie mayors and imposed new ones freindly to them (Zelensky watch out)
    - returned 100k civilians to Donbass while 4M ukrainians flee west to the EU
    - bombed NATO training & ukraine airfield bases & runways in ukraine decapitating their response efforts
    - beseiging all the main cities Kiev Karkov Sumy Chernihiv Mariupol, soon Odessa & Dnipro
    - turning cities to rubble where they resist regardless of cost to life or their own economy
    - forcing civilians out of the resisting cities leaving them as empty battlegrounds
    - they think they have Chinas full support.

    When I look back at the Soviet-Afghanistan war 1979-1989 & the Syrian war 2014-2020, then clearly Ukraine is way more important than those places to the ruskies due to border, history & prior conquests by Stalin, Soviets & Russian Czars. In WW2 the soviets realised Ukraine was a battleground territory where most of the casualties of 27M dead & 10M nazi collaborators died. The ukraine & stalingrad (Volgograd) was where the soviets broke the back of the Nazi war machine and won WW2 resulting in the Iron Curtain and most East Europe & east Germany being controlled by the soviets.

    For me this war is going to get way worse and uglier and sadly more people will suffer.
    Looks like its been planned for 8 years at least & the markers for them were the NATO Yugoslav operation in 1999, Syria 2014, Georgia 2008 & the Maidan 2014.

    I dont see any truce, it will be all or nothing and these peace talks may go nowhere.
    I am surprised the ruskies didnt move sooner after 8 years watching their people in Donbass wiped out but they must have waited for Trump to go & for China to sign on till they were ready to move.

    Looks like the US EU are calling the bogey guy and doing nothing about it on the ground, sea or air.
    Biden saying WW3 would start if they imposed a no fly zone was cowardly.
    The ruskies threats with their nuclear forces is very dangerous.

    They appear to be carbon copying the NATO action in Yugoslavia in the 90s with airpower bombardments & blitzkreig type ground forces added in destroying all before them. Soon an embassy cruise missile strike like in Belgrade, Kiev & Karkov turned to rubble with Sarajevo type seiges with heavy bombardments.

    And they have all northern summer 7 months to go till October before the snow falls.
    Sadly I can only see a military solution and its all skewed one way on the ground isnt it?
    Where is the US cavalry now?

    Is this the start of Cold War 2.0, I think it is.
    Last edited by tomboy: 15/03/22
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