coles - feed a family of 4 for $6, page-30

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    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 4
    some good points there pinto

    2 weeks ago, watso for the very first time in a few years went to a shopping centre, about 7km away - and watso snapped up a couple of random weight bags of tomatoes for 99c per kg - good tomatoes - and not RTC.

    at the checkout, the checkout chicky babe, asked if watso was interested in buying a couple of RTC stock - 2 bags for a $... watso could see heaps of mandarins in the bags, and thought that they would be a bit sus - so watso asked the question "what are they like" - and the chicky babe said "good" (the reality is, that she probably did not know),,, anyway, watso forked out the extra 1$ - got two bags of mandarins (about 20 good sized mandarins in each bag) - watso then sat down, and tested out the mandarins - and immediately raced back and snapped up another two bags for $1.

    ok pinto back to your post

    agree about milk and eggs - but RTC milk, is still good - but do not keep for too long - but RTC yoghurt - well, that is not a problem, because yoghurt is nothing more than sour milk (with some culture) - and a bit more sour, is not a problem.

    rtc cheese is a no brainer - just buy. last year, watso snapped up about 20 rtc 250 gm packets of jalsberg cheese for $1 per packet

    re the post

    "With fruit - orange is different - old is better than fresh - you need the skin to thin. _ it puts the sugars out of the skin into the fruit - it takes weeks for the process to complete."

    the rtc mandarins were so lovely - so maybe older was better than fresh

    bread - well, there are so many preservatives etc in bread these days, so much so, that end of day RTC bread is as good as day time bread. for what it is worth, but watso snaps up the half price raisin bread - which seems to be on special every second week. when watso was a kid, the bread was stale the next day - but not any more,

    potatoes - now that is an interesting thing. watso buys his 4kg potatoes for $2.49 from the vege shop, opposite coles in the booragoon shopping centre. watso is not sure if they are a B grade spud - but that does not matter- a spud is a spud - and ask a potato grower what he gets for his spuds

    some time ago, watso started a thread about kerbside vege gardens. well, the other day, watso was cycling to the booragoon shopping centre, and noticed a front garden (but not kerbside) full of veges - in amongst the roses and the shrubs. one thing for sure, is that growing a few spuds is pretty easy - but at $2.49 for 4 kg (washed, and in a bag) - then that is easier than growing them.

    a fair suck of the suace bottle (rudd speak), but does anybody recall the rotten days of spuds - when spuds were purchased with the skin, surrounded by dirt - and the spuds had to be peeled. these days, watso buys the spuds in the 4kg bag - and cannot be bothered washing them, or peeling them.

    mmmm come to think about it, but carrots used to be a bit like spuds - the carrots would be peeled. one way or the other, but the washing processes are so good these days - so much so, that the product in the bag, is probably a lot better than the product, where each item has been fingered a thousand times, before somebody buys it
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