colin the whale killed by beaureaucrats, page-61

  1. 6,716 Posts.
    If you had actually bothered to examine any of the media reports about this issue, you bombastic, closed-minded git, instead of making personal attacks against me, you would have seen many individual and organisations concerned with animal welfare attempting to help this animal and being rebuffed by clueless officials from the NSW Government. There were certainly enough of them being interviewed on TV and at least some of them appear to have credible expertise.

    Its not as if the NSW Parks and Wildlife are such whale experts either - its outside their area of expertise.

    Young animals need to be fed on digestible substances containing protein and fat. The products suggested were examples of those which would not disperse in water so rapidly as to be of no use ( which is what would happen if you just chucked gallons of milk in the water ). The nutrional requirements of a whale are no different to any other young mammal although the method of delivery may vary.

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