Hi Skip, Bye Skip. Always nice to have one of our regular DJs...

  1. 1,320 Posts.
    Hi Skip, Bye Skip. Always nice to have one of our regular DJs drop by if only for a moment. Listeners, I need to get serious for a moment. I grew up in a time when playground fights were commonplace. They were generally between boys with too much grunt happening in their vegemite-fed bellies. Girls usually tried to break up the fights. Now I read that girls are starting the fights. And they have knives! Two sets of sisters are in court after a brawl at a servo of all places, probably over phones or fake tan disputes or boyfriends of the 'he loves me more than you' kind of silliness. It's all ended in tears, surprise surprise. Oh dear. Here are the Boomtown Rats.

    Girls were bad even then
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