The U.S. has been paying its debts with counterfeit currency for...

  1. 315 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 5
    The U.S. has been paying its debts with counterfeit currency for a long time, and the game appears to be very close to a violent conclusion.

    Currency which isn't backed by gold or isn't the result of production is no more than an I.O.U.; it represents nothing.

    The world, which holds vast amounts of those American I.O.U.s, appears to be realising that the U.S. is unable to honour them.

    And, just as have we've witnessed a great rush to withdraw cash from U.S. banks suspected of being insolvent, we can logically expect an even greater rush to return U.S. dollars (I.O.U.s) to a U.S. which is insolvent.

    The repatriation of U.S. dollars (I.O.U.s) en masse will, most likely, cause hyperinflation, which will end the U.S. dollar's world reserve currency status.

    And so the game will end, and with it, we'll hopefully also see the end of their malignant influence in international affairs; it will be unaffordable.

    We'll see.

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