coming soon to religion everywhere, page-265

  1. 23,346 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 1
    Hmmm, now your skipping and hopping all over the place.
    Gen 2:2-3 is very clear - And on the seventh day God ended his work which he (He not Jesus) had made; and he rest"ed" on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. 3 And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it (the seventh day) he had (past tense) rested from all his work (six days) which God (not Jesus) created and made.

    So it is quite clear that he rested from this event which was 6 days and ended on the seventh where he rested. It says nothing in here about, he began to rest. And the six days clearly define one "a" day is, so hence the seventh is the same one days period as well. So again I'll say, "began" has no place here.
    From this point on, yes he did "other works".

    From what I'm seeing, your trying to align two separate rest subjects into one event/topic Hmmm!

    I would say your struggle with the KJV is more to do with, OH,,,, it doesn't tell the same story as JW's Bible.
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