commentary from a random swinging voter

  1. 3,820 Posts.
    I have read alot of commentary on HC about this government and the RSPT. I'll try to add my bit as a genuine swinging voter that is not head over heels in love with any fat-cat professional lyer, from either side of the political spectrum. Often, my votes are protest votes aimed at indicating dissatisfaction with the status quo.

    Since voting labour last time, I have watched one idiotic episode unfold after the other. From midnight foil's batts are burning to Gillard's port-a-loo school building program to the ETS that was set to define the government, that alas, never was.etc.etc.

    I was livid when they announced the RSPT. I viewed it as a slap in the face to the industry that saved us from the GFC, and to all of us that invest in the markets. Which from my reading is 35% of the eligible population that buy shares directly, and just about all via super. This makes us the largest share market participants per capita, on the planet.

    After letting it all digest, I do believe that the argument for a higher amount of tax/royalties being due for the nation's resources is plausible. However, 40% of all profits that are above 6% is ridiculous. When one considers that all this additional revenue will only be used to fund Labour stimulus spending projects such as sending us all a $900 cheque, or midnight foil's batts are burning schemes, it is shameful. The best one for me is the need to increase super contributions. Has no one noticed that most salary packages advertised state the salary as inclusive of super? So someone offering a 80k pakage to a prospective emplyee includes 9% super as part of the package. That same 80k package post RSPT will most likely still be 80k including 12% super contributions. So who is better off and how? Do these super funds not invest heavily in our resources sector anyway? LOL

    I viewed the Howard government at the last election as extremely arrogant and living in an ivory tower. Now I view Labour as fools living on another planet. It's just plain ignorance to tell us that the RSPT has nothing to do with the ASX's disproportionately huge falls that followed its announcement. Not to mention that they believe the tax won't deter investment from entering Australia. Scary thing is, IMHO many nations will follow with a tax similar to RSPT.

    That bring us to the alternative, Tony Abbott. As idiotic as the actions of the government, I am yet to be convinced he will do much better. I get the sense he wants to be the prsident of the Vatican City, not PM of Australia. The marathon man that believes big business should pay thousands of dollars a week to each stay at home mum. Oh but wait a minute, when he said that, it wasn't written on a cue card so it does not count. He is still a shoe in to win if he keeps his trap shut IMHO. He needs not run a campaign. Many more inteligent men like Twiggy are doing it for him. If liberal can't win the next election from here, it'll be another John Hewson moment in history.

    I've heard some Yanks say that they had to vote for the lesser of two evils, I think I'll have to vote for the lesser of two fools.

    P.S. Even Costello would get my vote now. And ooooh how I disliked his smug patronising manner.
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