comments from lawyers, accountants and conveya, page-34

  1. 8,527 Posts.
    speak for yourself Voltaire -

    The day our kids no longer have decent role models should be the day we all chuck it all in - and revert back to the cave man days.
    Funny, "She" labelled all married women as prostitutes - (and yes, there are many, shallow and calculating, who marry only for money - a vile trait not exclusive to the female sex) - but I still wouldn't brand such conniving women as such.

    And as for prostitutes, why label them disparigingly anyway? At least they're honest in what they are doing! No such vicious labelling for their clients! Many of whom are lying and cheating on their wives - and sneaking around from brothel to brothel. Still socially esteemed - yet the women they pay demeaned, degraded and discarded.

    But women, or men, who have to self-gratify to the extent of taking a married man away from his loving family for a fling or an affair to me are the lowest of the low.

    Most decent women, or men, no matter HOW painful, walk away. Moreso when kids involved.

    There are standards in life much admired - those of truth, honesty, integrity, decency, high morals, hard work, bi-partisan dedication to the betterment of one's fellow citizens, respect, and self-sacrifice - all highly valued. The very qualities which should be demanded of ANYONE remotely covetting and seeking the top spot in any political Party which electors decide will lead Australia.

    This is NOT ancient Rome - with it's murders, plots, assassinations, assignations, lies, extortions, orgies, and dirty deeds done right up to the top levels, no one batting an eyelid - it's total lack of any semblance of basic human rights, let alone strict adherance to high standards. With few exceptions, the place was a cess-pit.

    No, "anything" does not go, with an Australian Prime Minister! How can we have personal pride in ourselves OR our country - if the one who "leads", who makes the top decisions on our behalf, has nothing whatever to recommend them re. the practice or exhibiting any sincere regard for so many of the above qualities?
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