AVE 25.0% 0.3¢ avecho biotechnology limited

From Geekay: "I thought Nestle made instant coffee and chocolate...

  1. 127 Posts.
    From Geekay: "I thought Nestle made instant coffee and chocolate sweets. How does it get invovled in something like this?"

    The answer to this is that its not exactly Nestle, its Nestle Nutrition. This is the generic blurb in POH announcements regarding this deal:
    "Nestle Nutrition is an autonomous business within Nestle managing and developing the group's speciality nutrition brands. Through science-based nutrition products and services, Nestle Nutrition helps enchance the quality of people's lives by supporting health and providing care for specific consumer groups with special nutrition needs at every stage of life.
    "About 14 600 employees in more than 100 countries are part of Nestle Nutrition. Its product portfoli - covering infant nutrition, healthcare nutrition, performance nutrition and weight management - includes such trusted and well-recognised brands as: Nestle (comprising product brands Nan, Lactogen, Nesclac, Cerelac...), Nutren, Peptamen, PowerBar, Musashi and Jenny Craig. More information at: www.nestlenutrition.com."

    Fingers in many pies... I suppose Nestle is abit like Disney in that respect.

    I too got into POH attracted by the insulin stuff, because that is a great project. Am pleased about this too, it is a nice sweetner. Intersuisse and BBY put shareprice over 60 cents... and I'm looking forward to that possibility.
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