I have a view that it is highly likely that most history is...

  1. 88,079 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 75
    I have a view that it is highly likely that most history is fabricated

    I suspect it's like trusting 'family trees' ----

    what blows their story apart at the seams? ------ DNA testing.

    Family trees are a story, a yarn - a fiction that might be right - but, almost impossible to be right if one goes back more than a generation or two

    one kid born by pregnancy where the sperm came from other than 'name of father' --------------- and whoosh ----------- family tree gone, family tree out the window

    how many kids are born in pregnancies that the lover and not husband was daddy?

    god help us - there must be billions. Uncountable.

    History to me - same deal. History is written by people and people often paid by people who have a very strong interest in what that history shows OR doesn't show.

    Historians study history and pull it apart - but, often, they are just guessing.

    I've just watched a dig, right in the guts of a tiny city with a huge and documented history.

    The dig showed up a few baby skeletons. Explained that 'probably' dead on arrivals from a nearby hospital. The written history of the time - showed nothing.

    Hundreds of skeletons later - the few, exploded in numbers --------- how, who, why? ------------ no idea. What was in the history??


    Whatever happened to those hundreds of babies and small kids - conveniently just didn't get mentioned in the books.

    But complements to wanting to make a new building in 2024 --------- those babies = their ghosts and skeletons have reared up on fact and said in clear voice - look at us - someone did this to us. It'd be nice if you found out why.

    History lies - just like family trees do.
    Last edited by pintohoo: 29/07/24
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