"communism is a secular version of judaims", page-26

  1. 8,256 Posts.
    You're welcome rampage.

    Unfortunately there is plenty of evidence on the internet and given your detailed knowledge of Hitler and the Nazis and the way they think, I'm actually very surprised that you have never come across this...

    ...suggest you thoroughly take the time to read:



    "Hitler quit school at age 16 and in 19 [Text unreadable in original source] moved to Vienna, where he twice took and failed the Art Academy's entrance examination. Shortly after his move, August Kubizek, a young man from his hometown, joined him and they lived together for four months. Intensely jealous, Hitler wrote Kubizek, "I cannot endure it when you consort and converse with other young people."


    "Samuel Igra, a German historian, explains the mystery. Hitler was a homosexual prostitute in Vienna and Munich during these years. He lived in a youth hostel in Meldemannstrasse, known to be a favourite haunt of male prostitutes. Rich homosexuals went there looking for young men and it was well known as a pick-up spot. Although male homosexuality was officially illegal in Germany and Austria at this time, all the capital cities were riddled with it. Historians Langer and Machtan say that Hitler lived in this manner for at least three years.

    Hitler was known in his youth as “der Schoen Adolf” - handsome Adolf - and he had several rich homosexual patrons who later supported his rise to power in the Nazi party. They included Dietrich Eckhart, Karl Haushofer and Ernst Roehm. In fact, he moved in wealthy “gay” circles and these were the sort of people who founded the Nazi party.

    Hitler had intimate relationships with several other young men, Rheinhold Hanisch, August Kubizek, Rudolph Hausler, and Ernst Hanfstaengl. Eugene Dollman, a homosexual member of Himmler’s staff, testified that Hitler’s name was included in the Munich police records of known homosexuals. Several younger men identified him as the person who had picked them up on the streets for a one-night stand.

    This corresponds to the familiar pattern of homosexual development, whereby boys or adolescents are abused by older men, and then go on to become the abusers.

    Hans Mend of German military intelligence records that during the First World War, Hitler, by then a corporal and despatch runner in the German army, continued to indulge in homosexual activity, with another solder called Ernst Schmidt. Mend thought Hitler’s whole personality was deeply homosexual but there was more to it than that. While billetted at Le Febre brewery in Fournes in France in 1915, Mend actually saw Hitler and Schmidt “his male whore” sleeping together and engaging in homosexual activity. Other solders who heard noises during the night switched on a torch and saw for themselves what was going on. Hitler and Schmidt remained friends for thirty years.

    A German soldier called Rauschning testified that during the First World War, Hitler had actually been charged with improper conduct with one of the officers. The officer may have been Captain Lammers, a homosexual Berlin artist, who after the war paid the still penniless Adolf to pose for nude photographs and homosexual favours..."


    and on it goes I'm afraid.

    But as Manny has indicated, Hitler was also a Coprophiliac - utterly disgusting and I guess it explains the man.

    Certainly not a "pinup" boy except for those, to put it nicely, quite confused.
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