NXS 4.76% 11.0¢ next science limited

comparable cfo wage - susan robutti, page-3

  1. 707 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 10
    The planets must be aligned Riichie because I agree with you in principle, IMHO $250k package would be about right.
    What you have to realise though Richie was our CFO was a member of the Treasury Group founded by Fowler, who moved his own team into NXS which happens all the time but is fraught with danger on governance lines.
    As an aside Fowler's new venture Pathfinder Energy has ex NXS directors Boserio and Arnett on the board , Rusciano (ex Treasury Group) and Hartwell (current NXS).
    Used to called "jobs for the boys" and has been going on since Adam was a boy, it is galling, it is not right , it is a common sense breach of anything resembling proper governance but minority shareholders can rest easy (tongue in cheek) because companies have mountains of paperwork and governance committees to ensure everything is correct.
    There is 1 NXS director who will not be getting my re-election vote, will my position change anything - No but damn I will feel better for it because I exercised my morally based democratic right.
    Keep up the good stuff Richie,
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