re: compass on the abc re israel-to irjones Dear Irjones.So...

  1. 77 Posts.
    re: compass on the abc re israel-to irjones Dear Irjones.
    So sorry to hurt your punny Pommy pride.
    I think the articles quoted by Fall Guy give more than enough information on Winnies views on state of Israel.
    I never claimed that he started the whole thing or concluded it, merely that he was involved and actively supported the establishment of Israel.
    The fact that he was a pisspot is so well known that I will not bother to quote any sources, you can look it up in your Yankee encyclopedia. I think this is his redeming feature actualy.
    Consequences of Yalta conference are well known. The final result was the Cold War and enslavement of former Central and Eastern Europian democratic states by Soviet union.Among less well known facts was giving eastern half of Poland to Stalin and reinbursing Poland with big chunk of defeated Germany. Poland and Czechoslovakia were previously British allies and many nationals from those countries were fighting in RAAF and other British military units to save Britain from Hitler. This was despite the fact that Britain cowardly reneged on its treaty with Czechoslovakia in Munich in 1937. It finaly declared war when its other ally Poland was invaded.
    That is how your hero Churchill with Rosewelt repayed the Czechs and Poles. By giving parts of their teritories to Stalin and being a party to an agreement which effectively ensured that those countries became communist puppet satelites of Soviet Union.
    Just face it matey where ever the British went , they stuffed it up leaving mess and dissaster when they finaly left. Australia and aboriginees, Fiji with the Indian
    question, India and Pakistan separation, Iraq and Kuwait, do I need to go on?
    So before you again start calling people ignorant sods go and educate yourself a bit.
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