Completely lost, page-11

  1. 2,536 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 272

    No, no, no... you fell for it!
    You see, while she was ranting at you, your blood pressure was going up, your tinitus was getting louder and louder then your vision disappeared ('cause you closed your eyes for just a second)... it was right at the moment she said "I might" and you mistakingly thought you heard "I'm right".

    Oh dear, you poor buggar. There's still more to come, in fact, years of it. Look on the bright side though, if it wasn't for those type of women, there would be fewer pubs around. And think of the rippling pond effect... someone at a brewery somewhere would be out of a job and then somewhere, sometime in the not-too-distant future, his kids wouldn't bet a bike for christmas. Oh yes, women just do not appreciate the power they hold on the world economy.

    Good luck mate!
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