Compulsory app

  1. 1,290 Posts.
    lightbulb Created with Sketch. 149
    Interesting discussion at my local pub this evening,went in with my wife for drink and dinner,we were masked up as required, asked wether we had checked in on the app, wife replied that we haven't got the app and don't want to load it,also said it is not May 1 yet so not law yet,we were ok with manually writing detailsMet with a tirade from young staff member questioning why we don't want apps,our objections to monitoring movements and when it is law you will have no choice etc.I think it is sad that particularly, young people are not questioning how these constraints are going to impact life and what it is all going to mean in the future.Another aside is that I am shocked by the number of people who believe that these vaccines will prevent them from getting and spreading covid,they will not,they mitigate the effects if you get it that's all.Not a conspiracist but just have a bad feeling about where all this is heading.

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