Hi gaggin
Yep having problems now solved no thanks to Comsec. Still waiting for a reply after a week.
Here is what I did.
1. Uninstall ALL java programs (Settings:Control Panel:Add remove programs)
2. Download new Java update
3. I upped my RAM to 2 GB
4. Go to (Settings:Control Panel:Add remove programs)and click on Java icon
5. Click on Java tab and you will see View button. Click on view button.
6. In the Java Runtime Settings window Click in the Java Runtime Parameters section and type in
-Xmx512m (for 512 MB memory) or -Xmx256 0r -Xmx128 as the case may be.
7. Click Ok
8. Logon to Comsec and Launch ComsecIress.
And there you have it. Easy isn't it!!!!!
Why in the world do organisations introduce programs that are not really tested? The FAQ's I read said 256 MB and Forefox would be okay but NO.
Don't think it is as good as pro trader but oh well!!!
Anyway have fun
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